12 Rental Property Statistics To Consider If Being A Landlord (Earning Passive Income) Is Right For You • The Dumb Passive Income Blog
Imagine that you own a rental property that generates passive income so you only get to work 4 days in a week.
Does it feel good to have a three-day weekend? How will you spend it?
I feel very lucky that I get to work a normal 9-to-5 job as a coach from my van and explore new parts of the country — while also earning passive income through my real estate investments. – Michael Albaum (Rental Property Investor)
There’s no shortage of success stories of those who’ve invested in rental properties as their source of passive income. Whatever success story you decide to be in, you can start with a few right metrics to keep your eye on the rental property market.
Start with these 12 insights to stay smart and well-informed.
1.) Over 10 Million American Landlords Made Money From Rental Housing
Landlords are a key figure in the US economy. More than 10 million taxpayers reported earning some income from renting out property to others. The IRS figures show that 7.1% of Americans are landlords, with most having an average net income of between $5,000 and $20,000 per year.
Tax returns submitted to the IRS show that more than 10 million people declared part or all of their income is from rental housing.
2.) There Are 44 Million Renter Households In The…
[ad_2]This is only a snippet of a Passive Income Article written by Matthew Allen
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