12 Retirement Statistics Every Pre-Retiree Should Know (A Bird’s-Eye View Of America’s Retirement Landscape) • The Dumb Passive Income Blog

Retirement is not passive income. It’s more like a milestone, a point in a timeline. A pinned point in a workers’ life map where the harvest of passive income begins according to the seeds of labor one has planted.

In other words, retirement itself is not defined as passive income. But, having passive income to live on is a necessary component of being retired.

The average person in the US spends over half their life at work. And after decades of backbreaking labor, they get one shot at retirement—their golden years.

The golden years – it’s supposed to be an active adventure. For those that plan and save, the golden years can be the best years of their life. For others, it can be a really difficult and stressful time.

Whether you’re planning for it now, for later, or not at all, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what these retirement statistics show about America’s retirement landscape.

1.) Many Would Like To Have A Retirement Plan In Place, But Only 12% Actually Do

Having a written retirement plan with details can give you a clear view of your…

[ad_2]This is only a snippet of a Passive Income Article written by Matthew Allen

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