Every eCommerce business has a unique story. Maybe they started their business in home kitchens and managed to expand their empire internationally. Perhaps they started by providing their products to community members in need. Regardless, an engaging narrative can be a massive boon to any business when it’s told right. 

You can create a retail brand that establishes a powerful personal connection with customers by sharing a powerful story. It shows your business’s approachable, human side and allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition. After all, plenty of eCommerce shops may sell products similar to yours, but your story will be what truly sets you apart and grabs the attention of potential customers.

Even if you’re not a professional writer, there are still plenty of ways that you can effectively communicate with your audience. Remember, the goal is to tell your story in a compelling way that inspires confidence and trust in your brand.


What is a Brand Story? 

With all of this talk of “narrative” and “brand story,” it may be a good time to elaborate on the concept. Many people assume it is the detailed history of your company. While that is undoubtedly a large part, the application and use of your brand story go a bit farther than that. 

Essentially, your brand story is supposed to be the narrative behind your business that will evoke the feelings you want to be associated with your brand and show its purpose. Factors influencing this include price, product, quality, and branding. 

Yes, every business has a narrative, regardless of how “typical” they may seem. And they all need that story told. Irrespective of your industry, every customer can appreciate the message and emotions conveyed by a narrative.


Why is Business Storytelling Important?

Before getting into the weeds on how to tell a brand story, it’s essential to understand why your brand should care about the concept in the first place. The last thing you want…

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