Passive Income Dude (YR 3): Passive Income Report: February 2018
I’m excited to report February’s passive income total, and share what I’ve learned with you.
Unfortunately I’m still diligently studying for the PMP exam, and so I don’t think I’ll be writing much more than once a month for this blog. But that’s ok. And I’ll be thankful once this exam is over…if I pass! 🙂 Then I can start writing more frequently.
General Thoughts on This Month: February was a great month, and I’d like to briefly share why; not because of a record number, or 4 digit passive income, or a major change in my portfolio, but simply because it is is reflective of the system that I have built from years of diligent saving and investing and wise decision making. A system that you too can build. Really all it takes is diligence, patience, and sacrifice. It’s incredible what you can achieve with those three ingredients.
This month I received $984 in passive income and it wasn’t because of anything new that I did. All of this amount from this month was from past decisions I made in which I am now reaping the reward. It really is true that you reap what you sow. This is a life-principle that I would not fight against! You truly do reap what you sow. So I would say, sow deeply!
Dividends and Rental Income Received
I have several individual…
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