Passive Income Dude (YR 3): Passive Income Report: March 2018

Another month down…time continues to roll as we are already now one quarter of 2018 complete!

This was a great month for passive income, as most mutual funds pay out on the 3, 6, 9, 12 month cycle and is where I have the bulk of my portfolio outside of real estate.  I have a difficult time with individual stocks now, with all of the academic research suggesting otherwise.

Anyway, I’m still diligently following the simple but difficult to maintain process of day-in and day-out, trying to control my spending, saving wisely, and then deploying that capital in a consistent, diversified manner with the ultimate goal of trying to grow my passive income.

This month I received $1508.54 in passive income. What a blessing! Here are the details:

Dividends and Rental Income Received

As you can see, I had some more expenses with my Missouri property, causing negative cash flow.  I unfortunately have to report more expenses for April’s report, and am now considering selling the property.  We’ll see but this property may leave my portfolio after this tenant cycle.

Nothing fancy….just continuing to add to our ROTH IRAs when possible.  About $1-2K or so.

Thoughts on This Month

This was a great month for Passive Income, and I am thankful for this month’s…

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