Physicians Scammed out of Tens of Millions of Dollars


Physicians scammed out of $33 million as one physician recruits dozens of colleagues to invest in a cryptocurrency volatile trading scheme he co-founded.

Today’s Classic is republished from Physician On Fire. You can see the original here.


Recently, I wrote up a detailed history of a few historical and more recent investment scams while sharing the Top 5 Ways to Spot (and Avoid) Investment Scams

The timing was not coincidental. I suddenly became very interested in the topic when yet another scam was uncovered. This one defrauded physicians predominantly, if not exclusively, and much of the recruitment of investors took place via a physicians-only Facebook group. I run a physicians-only Facebook group. Yikes!

I read all of the information I could get my hands on regarding this particular scam and wrote the “public service announcement” to help readers discern between what is likely a legitimate investment opportunity and what might not be.

Today, we’ll apply the lessons learned from prior scams to the one perpetrated by a couple of Wall Street veterans and one bold and perhaps unsuspecting surgeon.

Physicians Scammed out of Tens of Millions of Dollars

Let’s take a closer look at the investment scam that victimized dozens of…

This is only a snippet of a Passive Income Article written by Passive Income M.D.

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