
A Guide to Visa’s Latest Chargeback Rule Update

Visa has recently announced changes to its chargeback rules. Specifically, it has introduced a Compelling Evidence requirement for disputes falling under the Visa CE/30 chargeback reason code.   This means that it will require merchants to provide evidence supporting their claim that a transaction was authorized by the cardholder. Merchants must also show that the goods or services were delivered as agreed. The change came into effect on April 15th, 2023. It applies to all merchants globally.  The context for this…

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An 9-Step Seller’s Guide to Efficient Chargeback Prevention

As an online seller, you know about the advantages and challenges of accepting digital payments all too well. Online payment processing allows for an expanded audience reach, flexible checkout options, and an optimized customer journey. But, with that, it also incurs some risks related to buyer disputes.   As long as your number of chargebacks is low, you may view them as an occasional annoyance. However, with eCommerce fraud on the upswing, chargebacks can be quite an issue for an online…

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