
Social Media Marketing and Its Implications For InterNETwork Marketing

[ad_1] “Social media marketing…what’s that? Never heard of it in Asia.” I can almost hear you say that. That was MY response when I first researched it on Google. I have been using parts of this form of marketing but have never knew the collective term for it. So What is Social Media Marketing? I found this rather formal definition on the internet… “Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing which seeks to achieve branding and marketing…

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Social Media Marketing and Its Implications For InterNETwork Marketing

[ad_1] “Social media marketing…what’s that? Never heard of it in Asia.” I can almost hear you say that. That was MY response when I first researched it on Google. I have been using parts of this form of marketing but have never knew the collective term for it. So What is Social Media Marketing? I found this rather formal definition on the internet… “Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of internet marketing which seeks to achieve branding and marketing…

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