
What is Psychological Pricing? | Debunking The Common Misconceptions

Since the beginning of selling, retailers have tried various psychological pricing strategies and tactics to influence shopper behavior. Some of them were thought to have a significant impact on consumer behavior, and some of them still are. Meanwhile, scholars have been analyzing the efficiency of these tactics. With the advancements in the field of consumer behavioral psychology, we see that some of these widely used psychological pricing tactics are, in reality, not very useful. In this post, we’ll learn what…

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Some Truths and Misconceptions About Internet Marketing

[ad_1] FINANCIAL FREEDOM! Those of us yearning to create a better life for ourselves strive to become financially free. There are several ways we can reach financially freedom; some involve luck and others involve dependence on others. However, there is a way that one can reach that plateau without relying on luck or direct help from others: TO BECOME YOUR OWN BOSS. When you strive to become your own boss, you are taking your life into your own hands. Thus,…

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