
8% fewer packages in Germany: ‘Recovery in sight’

The courier, express, and parcel sector in Germany, known as KEP for short, faced turbulent times in 2022. There were 360 million fewer packages delivered than in the peak year of 2021. This translates to a 7.9 percent decline in package volume in Germany. In total, 4.15 billion shipments were delivered last year in the private and business markets, as reported by the German Parcel and Express Logistics Association (BIEK) in its KEP Study 2023. The sector’s revenue also declined,…

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Abandoned Cart Recovery: 13 Ways To Maximize Revenue

Are you looking for abandoned cart recovery strategies for your eCommerce business? The average conversion rate for eCommerce websites hovers around 2% to 3%. However, businesses can achieve significantly higher conversion rates, sometimes exceeding 10%, by focusing on abandoned cart recovery. The value of abandoned carts worldwide is estimated to be in the trillions of dollars each year. This represents a tremendous missed opportunity for growth and profitability for businesses of all sizes. Fortunately, most abandoned carts are not lost…

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Personal Loans Help Those With Bad Credit Onto the Road to Financial Recovery

[ad_1] There was a time when having bad credit score effectively meant that loans were impossible. However, these days there is always the chance of turning financial strife around, and regaining a good credit rating. It is widely accepted that personal loans help those with bad credit, and provide the stepping stones to a good credit score. It is never really possible to have guaranteed personal loans with poor credit, but there are some things that can be done to…

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