
El 90% de los negocios en línea fracasan en solo cuatro meses. Estas estrategias evitarán que el tuyo sea uno de ellos

Los emprendedores suelen amar la idea de dar consejos y compartir experiencias, después de todo, así es como logramos aprender, evolucionar en el mundo de los negocios y elevar nuestro nivel de experiencia. La mayor parte de esta educación compartida consiste en detallar las buenas prácticas, las ideas de trabajo y el conocimiento que podría impulsar a cualquier empresa sin importar su tamaño. Sin embargo, es igual de importante que los emprendedores difundan todo lo relacionado con el fracaso. Porque…

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Why Shopee is optimistic about the long-term rise of e-commerce in SEA

Earlier this year, Shopee released its annual consumer trends report with insights about the way online shopping behaviour has changed across its five key markets in Southeast Asia, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.  “Even though we have emerged from the pandemic, it has changed the way many of us live, interact and work. Offline activities may have almost fully resumed this year, but our online habits still remain,” Zhou Junjie, chief commercial officer at This article is…

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From Sea Swimming To Social Enterprise – The Story Of Seabirds LTD

The temperatures outside are near freezing, and while most of us are at home and bundled up warm on the couch, Kath and Cath of Seabirds LTD will be swimming in the sea.  The two ladies began sea swimming a few years ago and quickly realised that it wasn’t the crazy hobby that they had previously thought it to be, but in actuality, it was an amazing activity for both physical and mental health. They thought to themselves, why isn’t…

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