Let’s say you’re running a successful online store. You’ve figured out inventory, you’ve got a healthy amount of traffic, and your customers are raving about your products. Have you covered all your bases?

Not necessarily. You could still be experiencing a huge number of lost sales. How? Through shopping cart abandonment.

More than 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned before the customer completes a sale. That implies that your sales numbers may only be one-tenth of what they could be.

Now, it may not be possible to persuade all cart-abandoners to go through checkout and triple your sales. Some customers may have never had the intention to purchase in the first place. But it’s worth putting in the effort to resolve as many lingering hesitations as you can.

This article will look at how to recover lost customers after they abandon their carts with an abandoned cart campaign powered by email marketing. Then we’ll share the email marketing tools you need to set one up for yourself.

Learn to recover lost sales with email 💌

What is an abandoned cart email?

An abandoned cart email is an email sent to customers who have added products to their shopping cart but failed to check out. The email acts as a friendly reminder to consumers who may have been distracted and never checked out. It’s a remarkably effective customer retention tactic ecommerce stores use to increase revenue.

In fact, a report from Klaviyo reveals that businesses using cart recovery emails earn back 3% to 14% of lost sales, with an average revenue per recipient of $5.81.

This number alone doesn’t sound striking. But multiply that by thousands of abandoned carts over a year and it’s clear abandoned cart emails can earn you more revenue.

These emails remind shoppers of what they left behind and encourage them to return and complete their purchase. You can customize abandoned cart emails with coupon codes, product images, call to action (CTA) buttons, and more to get people…

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