AI has gone mainstream, and it’s slowly creeping into the day-to-day lives of marketers.

Marketing AI predictions

Although this technology is still in its early stages, it’s already changing how we work. With the help of AI-powered tools, marketers can automate a variety of tasks, from drafting email subject lines to scaling entire marketing campaigns.

If you’re curious about where AI is going — and how you can leverage it — we’ve listed six AI predictions to watch in 2023.

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1. AI will give content marketers a significant lift.

Sure, artificial intelligence isn’t close to writing the next New York Times best seller. But it can streamline many content marketing tasks. Specifically, it can give marketers a lift in the writing process.

For example, picture a content marketer stuck in the content ideation stage. Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike, she inputs a prompt into an AI chatbot — such as, “Provide a few blog ideas about TikTok marketing” — and receives a list of ideas to get the ball rolling.

AI tools — like ChatGPT, Jasper, and HubSpot’s content assistant — can also do much of the legwork when it comes to research. These tools use complex algorithms to gather, analyze, and interpret information from across the web, identifying patterns and trends in a matter of seconds.

For example, suppose you need to write a video script to promote a product. To get started, you paste hundreds of customer reviews into an AI chatbot and ask it to summarize…

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