Maybe it’s the sugary haze from too much pie, the brain fog from eight rounds of less-than-enlightened debate with the in-laws, or the grogginess from inconsistent holiday slumber — but the post-holiday blues are real — and so are post-holiday returns.

Last year, at least 10% of orders were returned each week from November 2022 to mid-January 2023 in the U.S., as noted by Insider Intelligence, meaning that shoppers made more returns (and did so earlier) than in the previous holiday season. In a broader scope, however, 59% of global respondents in a study conducted by YouGov end up keeping items they don’t want due to difficult return policies.

As the halfway mark of the year is going, going, gone, it only means that the holiday shopping season is fast approaching. For global brands and retailers to prepare for the excitement and inevitable post-holiday returns, they may examine how they’re implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into their tech stack.

This begs the question: Can AI in retail help consumers, brands, and retailers, collectively reach a level of copacetic and mitigate post-holiday returns?

This post will cover AI in retail examples, AI in the workforce, and how these tools — when implemented thoughtfully — can make this upcoming holiday season all the merrier.

AI in Retail Examples

Digital transformation efforts of leading brands and retailers have been using AI in ecommerce and implementing AI in retail for a while now.

AI services are only projected to grow, with a predicted increase in the retail sector from $5 billion to more than $31 billion by 2028, as noted by Tech News World. And, in terms of global retail market share for AI, North America comes first, with Europe likely to rank second.

But how exactly is AI in retail being used, and what are the potential impacts (and benefits) on the shopping experience and post-holiday returns?

1. Order Right the First Time With Enhanced Product Recommendations

So, with slight…

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