Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

Hi, my name is Alex and I started a note-taking app called Reflect. Essentially, we sell a note-taking tool similar to Apple Notes, but when you get into it, with a ton more features that are designed to help you think and improve your quality of life.

I started the company about two years ago and it has been quite a long journey to get to this point. B2C is obviously a lot harder than B2B to make money and also the product bar is much higher. Especially in our space, note-taking is a highly complex thing to pull off, programmatically speaking, but it’s been a lot of fun.

Today, we make just over $30k MRR. We have raised a crowdfunding round of just over a million dollars and we have four full-time people working at the company.


What’s your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

I’m a serial entrepreneur. I’ve started a ton of different companies. And with Reflect I was looking for something quite different. My last company, Clearbit, was a B2B SaaS company in the data space. And I grew that to hundreds of people as CEO. But I struggled to lead a large organization. And ultimately decided that wasn’t for me.

What I’m good at and what I love is the zero to one, creating something out of nothing. I find it a lot easier than most people. And I can program and design and wear all the different hats. So what some people might think of as impossible, I just live and breathe every day. What I really should be doing is just that. What I’m uniquely good at and what I love.

So let’s talk about Reflect. So I just came out of running a B2B SaaS company. I was looking to start a new company, but I was also looking for something a little different than the last one.

I wanted to try my hand at B2C for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted a small team. And the nice thing about B2C is you can automate the sales. So you can keep the team small. In B2B, you need to have a lot of hungry sales reps who require managers. And…

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