Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

Hi, I am Kirill Zubovsky, and I am the founder of Smartynames.com, a domain name generator that uses AI to generate available domain names based on a business description.

While traditional domain tools ask you to spend hours brainstorming keywords and name ideas, Smartynames only needs one thing from you, a description of your business or project. It was the first name generator that used AI to understand your business and to create domains based on that understanding.

We started by offering only two-word dot-com domains, but now we support generating names across hundreds of different new TLDs, as well as short and hacked domain names. Whether or not you are looking for a domain, generating names with Smartynames is so much fun, I guarantee you will buy one anyway.

Smartynames started as a solution to my problem. I wanted a domain name for a project, and could not come up with anything good. I built a prototype over the weekend and launched it on Hacker News with a roaring success.

Fast forward four months and I am making about $1000/m from domain sales and ad revenue, and growing steadily. I am selling more domains, as well as getting more paying partners to sign up for the platform.

Given the extremely short time it took to go from an idea to revenue, and infinite growth potential, I consider Smartynames to be a success. Domaining is a ruthless arms race, but it is also incredibly fun, and potentially very profitable.


What’s your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

While I am technically an Industrial Engineer by training, I’ve never really worked in that field. Instead, I like coding and design, and helping people figure out solutions to their problems. I might be addicted to the process of discovering the unknown and making things. It’s just extremely delightful to create something that doesn’t exist and learn how it behaves, what users do to it, and how to improve…

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