They are gamers and dancers, writers and designers, craftspeople and comedians. Digital creators have diverse skills and post on different platforms, but they all share one characteristic: they know how to win over audiences.

An estimated 50 million people make up today’s creator economy. And with new tools and online platforms emerging all the time, that number looks set to rise.

The term digital creator has a lot of nuances. You don’t necessarily need to be a charming on-camera presence, or even be creative, to be a successful online entrepreneur. There are many types of digital content and different ways to build a personal brand.

Let’s look at examples of seven types of digital creators, the content they create, and the channels they use to reach audiences.

💡 For individuals, think about which type of content creation fits your personality. If you manage a brand, you can partner with a relevant creator on an influencer marketing campaign.

What is a digital creator?

Portrait of a person wearing a hijab taking a selfie with a mobile phone

Digital creators produce online content and share it across social platforms like YouTube and TikTok, or personal websites to reach a target audience. The content they create comes in multiple formats like video, images, and audio, on a limitless range of subjects.

The rise of production tools, streaming platforms, and funding apps have made it easier for independent digital creators to consistently publish content and monetize their audiences. Creators enter into brand partnerships, run ads, sell merch, or paywall their content through platforms like Patreon.

This has created the opportunity for folks of all kinds—not just top-tier influencers—to pursue a viable paying career as a creator.

Digital creators vs influencers: what’s the difference?

In many ways, “digital creator” and “influencer” are interchangeable terms, referring to people who are (usually) self-employed and create digital content for an online audience. Both terms are industry-ambivalent: sculptors,…

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