You probably already think of LinkedIn as a powerful hiring platform. According to the company, over 75% of people who recently changed jobs used LinkedIn to inform their decision. 

LinkedIn’s utility for small business owners doesn’t stop at recruiting and hiring. It’s also a great place to connect with potential clients, promote your products and services, and gain recognition for your expertise in your field. To do this, business owners create and leverage something known as a company page. 

This article contains step-by-step instructions for setting up your LinkedIn company page and provides LinkedIn post ideas and best practices for leveraging your LinkedIn presence to meet your business goals. 

What is a LinkedIn company page?

A LinkedIn company page is LinkedIn’s version of a company profile. LinkedIn is a professional social network for connecting with colleagues and job opportunities. A LinkedIn company page is LinkedIn’s version of a company profile, mirroring the function of individual LinkedIn profiles for its members. LinkedIn company pages essentially act as a digital representation of businesses, just as LinkedIn profiles do for individual professionals.

Businesses use this page type to communicate basic business information (such as location, hours, contact information, and description), share company updates, advertise jobs, and connect with potential customers and partners.

Learn To Use LinkedIn To Build Your Ecommerce Business

There is a gold mine of opportunity to grow your ecommerce business with LinkedIn. The platform is currently “content deficient” which means there are more people consuming content on the platform than creating it!

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Benefits of LinkedIn company pages

Creating a LinkedIn company page doesn’t just provide another communication channel for your marketing strategy, it also offers the chance to engage with unique user groups around specific business and career-related goals. Here’s an…

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